/ Branding & Photography
Pan es un proyecto personal de un gran amigo y mentor, Jorge Lozada. Este proyecto nace por el amor a la buena panadería, pero por sobre todo, la panadería artesanal. Aquella que cuida el bienestar de la familia y que devuelve al pan aquel noble proceso lleno de amor y paciencia.
“Una pequeña pausa para la masa, un gran sabor al pan”
Pan is a personal project of a great friend and mentor, Jorge Lozada. This project was born for the love of good bakery, but above all, the artisan bakery. The one that takes care of the welfare of the family and returns to the bread that noble process full of love and patience.
“A little break for the dough, a great bread flavor”
“A little break for the dough, a great bread flavor”
In this project I had the opportunity to contribute from photography and the creation of brand identity.

Thanks for watching!